Keeping Up on Dependencies

Challenges with dependencies:

  • Knowing when new versions are available.
  • Evaluating how new versions impact your users.
  • Validating your crate, including maintaining your oldest supported Rust version.

Thankfully this is all automatable and has been, thanks to Dependabot.


Recommended setup:

  1. Verify your CI configuration
  2. Sign up
  3. Add your repos
  4. Lower update frequency to once a week (to balance updates with CI load)

Your process will look like:

  1. Get a PR for a Cargo.toml or Cargo.lock update
  2. Review the release notes, changelog, and/or commit history for impact
  3. Wait until your CI gives the green light
  4. Merge

If an update introduces a conflict, Dependabot will automatically recreate the update.

Verify your CI Configuration

  • Oldest-supported rustc is used to catch dependencies that require newer rustc's
  • Don't run your CI on Dependabot branches to avoid double-running them

Limiting Branches

A snippet for .travis.yml:

  # Release tags
  - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/
  - master

A snippet for appveyor.yml:

  # Release tags
  - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/
  - master